How to identify nail mushrooms and distinguish it from injury without going to a doctor

MushroomMushroomorOnycholisis- A common problem found in many people. It refers to the diseases of the foundation and can cause serious problems if it is not detected and not treated on time. At the same time, nail trauma can imitate the symptoms of fungi and cause confusion in diagnosis.

ButHowalikeDistinguishMushroomfromInjury? The main signs of fungal damage to nails are changes in color, texture and shape of the foundation. Mushrooms often lead to the appearance of a yellow, brown or green in the nails affected. In addition, nails can become thicker or more brittle. It is important to note that mushrooms often affect some nails on the feet or hands at the same time, and can also spread to the surrounding skin.

On the other side,injuryNails can lead to a change in its appearance, but usually only a striking nail, which may be affected or pressure. For example, if you have a nail injury due to the collapse of a heavy object, your nails may change color, become wavy or cracked. It is important to pay attention to the fact that when injured in the nail, often showing no signs of damage to nails or other skin.

Main diagnostic features and methodsIt may be difficult to distinguish nails from trauma, because the growth and the appearance of the nail may be a sign of both fungal infection and injury. However, there are some basic features that can help determine the cause of the problem.

Onicholysis of nailsOne of the main signs of nail mushrooms is onicholysis, which means peeling the nails from the bed of the nail. In the case of injury, such exfoliation may not, and nails may be broken or there are cracks that are different from changes caused by mushrooms.

Change the appearance of nailsNail mushrooms can cause changes in the appearance of nails, such as color changes, boiling, peeling or deformation. In the case of injury, the foundation may maintain its natural color and shape, but may be broken or traces of injuries.

For more accurate diagnosis and determination of the cause of the problem, it is advisable to consult a dermatologist or a specialist, an expert on fungal infection. Your doctor may check your nails, smear to analyze or perform other necessary procedures to determine the presence of fungal infections or injury.

The key point:

It may be difficult to distinguish nail mushrooms from injury, but signs like onycholysis and change the appearance of the nail can help determine the cause of the problem. For more accurate diagnosis, you must consult a dermatologist or single doctor.

How to distinguish nails from injury:Nail Fungus:In nail mushrooms, a change in color and structure of the foundation is observed, basically, the nails on the feet are affected by this disease. Symptoms of nail mushrooms include thick, stubborn, yellow or white nails, changing the shape of the nail and the presence of white or yellow spots. Nail fungus occurs due to fungal infection, which can penetrate under the nail through the skin damaged or the foundation. Nail injury:A nail wound may occur due to an accident or mechanical effect on the nail. Special signs of nail wounds include a bruise, bruising under the nail, peeling nails from the skin and changing the shape of the nail. A wound for nails can lead to onycholysis (to remove the nail from its bed) or other non -characteristic changes of the nail mushroom. Determining the cause of the change in the foundation on the feet may be difficult, so it is advisable to consult a dermatologist or pediatrician for accurate diagnosis and appropriate treatment.

How to identify nails:The mushrooms of the petals are often confused with leg injury. For appropriate diagnosis, some basic features will be taken into account to help distinguish between mushrooms and injury.

Onycholysis foot: What is it?Onycholysis is a local part of the foundation from the bed. At the same time, nails often have a convex shape and yellow, orange or brown. Such changes are the first sign of the presence of a mushroom.

The difference between mushrooms and leg injury:Nail mushrooms often affect one or more nails on the feet, while injury can only affect a nail. Mushrooms are characterized by the thickness and stratification of the foundation, while injured, nails can be bent or broken. The mushrooms of the petals are often accompanied by itching, burning or pain, unlike trauma, often causing pain and edema. If you have a doubt about the presence of a nail mushroom, consult a dermatologist or single doctor to conduct a professional diagnosis and prescribe treatment.

Diagnosis of nail fungus:If the nail mushroom is suspected, it is important to conduct an accurate diagnosis to determine the accurate treatment. There are several methods that can help not be the same as nail mushrooms from other problems, for example, trauma or oncholysis.

Visual testOne of the first steps in the diagnosis of nail fungus is the visual test. The doctor analyzes the structure and color of the nail, assesses its external status and signs. Fungal infections of nails are often accompanied by a color change (for example, with a yellow or green color), stratified, thickening the nail, the appearance of white spots and combs on the surface of the nail. Sensory symptoms may also indicate other problems, so visual testing may not be enough to determine the diagnosis.

MicroscopeIf visual examination is not enough to determine the presence of mushrooms, the doctor may take a nail sample and check it by a microscope. The microscope method allows you to detect fungal factors (GIFs or disputes), which can indicate the presence of fungal infections. This method is quite fast and simple, although its results may not always be quite accurate and reliable.

The more accurate and reliable nail fungal diagnosis methods may include sowing in the nutritional environment or PCR diagnosis (polymerase chain reaction), which allows you to identify accurate mushrooms and set its sensitivity to different drugs. However, these methods, as prescribed, require more time and financial resources.

How to distinguish nail mushrooms from onycholysisOnycholysis is a condition of nails including a cup of nail beds from the nail. Intely, Onycholysis may look very similar to the nail mushroom, but the cause and treatment of these conditions are different.

The main difference between the mushroom of the nail and Arycholysis is the cause of the development. Nail mushrooms are caused by infection with a fungus, sitting under the nail sheet and starting to destroy it. Onicholysis is the result of a nail wound, such as the separation of the bed from the foundation.

Another way to distinguish foundation mushrooms from onycholysis is to analyze symptoms. With the mushrooms of the nail, a color change of the nail is observed (usually it becomes yellow or green), the thickness and texture of the nail, the nail can become fragile and crispy. With the onycholysis process, nail problems are usually only limited by the exfoliating of the box, without changing the color or structure of the nail.

If you have a doubt about a nail mushroom or onycholysis, you should consult a dermatologist. He will check his nails, probably a stain to analyze further. Using a microscope or sowing on a nutritious environment, the doctor will be able to determine whether you have a fungal damage to the nail or the problem with the onycholysis process.

In all cases, it is necessary to pay attention to the condition of your nails and at the first doubts of the nail mushroom or the onycholysis process, do not place a trip to the doctor. Only one qualified expert can make an accurate diagnosis and effective treatment prescription.